Netcup: Einen Monat Rabatt für die VPS der 9. Generation

(This article has only been published in German.) Netcup hat gestern die 9. Generation ihrer Virtual Private Server (VPS) vorgestellt. Auf gibt es Gutscheine mit denen ihr euch die erste Monatsgebür sparen könnt. Beim kleinsten VPS (VPS 1000 G9 12M) sind das 6€, beim größten VPS (VPS 8000 G9) sind es 40€. [Read more...]

Nexus 3: How to remove old artifacts from your software repository

By default the Nexus 3 software repository does not remove any artifacts from it’s storage backend. You have two options to get rid of artifacts which are not needed any more. First you can configure “cleanup policies”. Another approach is that you might want to set up a task which executes a custom Groovy script which deals with the removal of old artifacts. [Read more...]

Tunnel HTTP(S) traffic through a server using SSH

Sometimes only certain IP addresses are allowed to access an HTTP API endpoint. While developing an application which has to use this API you might want to access the secured API from your developer workstation, though the IP of your workstation is not allowed to access the API (only a server under your control is). [Read more...]

Using the fetch API inside Node.js

I am currently developing an isomorphic web application. You can see it in action e.g. A few days ago it took me some time to figure out how to be able to use the fetch API both on the client and the server. [Read more...]