git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. In this article you will learn how to setup git to sign your commits using GnuPG (GPG) and how to properly configure GitLab to deal with those signed commits.

The first question you might want to ask is why it is a good idea to sign your commits. Well, git makes it easy to impersonate someone. As long as you have write access to a repository you can push commits to it and git will use whatever email address you have configured in the Author and Commit fields:

$ git config "Bill"
$ git config ""
$ git commit -m "Just fixing a few bugs."
$ git log --graph --all --decorate --format=fuller

* commit 672bd6365845e3cb4cdb9721e7681d1bd1193ed9
| Author:     Bill <>
| AuthorDate: Wed Aug 10 10:40:57 2022 +0200
| Commit:     Bill <>
| CommitDate: Wed Aug 10 10:40:57 2022 +0200
|     Just fixing a few bugs.


So signing your commits allows you to validate who actually created a commit. To sign commits you have to perform some configuration steps, both on your local machine and on GitLab.

Before starting with the actual configuration steps let’s recapitulate how GnuPG signatures work. A GnuPG key pair consists of a private and a public key. You must keep the private key secret as it is used by GnuPG to create signatures. Your public key can then be used by anyone to verify your signatures. Thus, you can make your public key available to anyone. Basically GnuPG uses asymmetric cryptography (Public-key cryptography) to create and validate signatures.

Now let’s start with the actual configuration. The first step is to install GnuPG on your macOS:

$ brew install gnupg

After this you can create a private/public GnuPG key pair by executing the following command:

$ gpg --full-gen-key

Enter the following details:

  • Option Please select what kind of key you want:
    • You can use the default here ((9) ECC (sign and encrypt) *default*)
  • Option Please select which elliptic curve you want:
    • You can use the default here (Curve 25519 *default*)
  • Option Please specify how long the key should be valid.
    • Choose whatever option you prefer.
  • Option Real name:
    • e.g. Christoph
  • Option Email address:
    • Here you have to enter the email address you are actually using on GitLab. For instance The address entered here must match exactly the email address of your GitLab account.
  • Option Comment:
    • For corprate use cases you can enter the name of your department here. development for instance.

Finally the wizard will ask you the enter a passphrase to protect your private key. By default, the gpg-agent will keep your passphrase cached for 2 hours.

GnuPG will use the given real name, email address and comment to create a user ID. This user ID can then be used later on to identify the key. The details provided above will result in the following user ID:

Christoph (development) <>

An important property of the generated keypar is the key ID. You can retrieve it using the command given below:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
sec   ed25519/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2022-05-15 [SC]
uid                 [ultimate] Christoph (development) <>
ssb   cv25519/yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2022-05-15 [E]

In the output above the key ID is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. If you need to change any configuration parameter later on (passphrase, expiration time, …) you can use the gpg --edit-key <key ID> command.

In order to be able to add your public key to GitLab you need to export it first:

> gpg --armor --export xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To actually add the public key to GitLab perform the following steps in the GitLab web interface:

  1. In the top-right corner, select your avatar.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. On the left sidebar, select GPG Keys.
  4. Paste your public key into the key text field. Do not forget to include the BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK and END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK lines.
  5. Finally click the Add key button.

Now you can configure git to sign all your commits using the private key you just created:

$ git config --global user.signingkey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ git config --global commit.gpgsign true

Finally add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file:

// file ~/.zshrc
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Otherwise you might get an error message telling you Inappropriate ioctl for device when trying to sign a commit.

If everything is setup correctly, your next commit should be tagged as verified in GitLab web interface:

How unsigned, unverified and unsigned commits are shown in the GitLab Web UI.

How unsigned, unverified and unsigned commits are shown in the GitLab Web UI.

Details of a verified signature.

Details of a verified signature.

Details of an unverified signature.

Details of an unverified signature.


You can run the following command to test if gpg has been configured in a correct way:

$ echo "foobar" | gpg --clearsign

Backup & Restore your GnuPG keys

# backup
$ gpg -o christoph-microsoft-com-expires-2023-10-20-backup.gpg \
    --export-options backup --export-secret-keys <key id>

# restore
$ gpg --import-options restore --import-options keep-ownertrust \
    --import christoph-microsoft-com-expires-2023-10-20-backup.gpg

Creating signatures using SSH keys

As of September 2022, Gitlab supports only GnuPG keys for signing. Therefore you cannot use your SSH keys (as it is supported by GitHub). You can track the progress to add support for SSH signed commits to GitLab over here.

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